Series, 6 x 40 minutes
Six episodes tell the story of a character who struggles with the world and himself and is allowed to reshuffle the cards in each episode. What happens to the “I” when the relationship to the environment is constantly changing.
With Tom Schilling, Katharina Schüttler, Lars Eidinger, Martin Wuttke, Sophie Rois, Michael Maertens, Sarah Viktoria Frick, and many more.
Written & directed by David Schalko
Producers: John Lueftner, David Schalko & Quirin Schmidt
A co-production of SUPERFILM and SKY Germany. With the support of Fernsehfonds Austria, Fernsehfonds des Filmfonds Wien, VAM and COMEBACK Film und Fernsehen.
From July 29, the complete season will be available on demand on Sky Q.
“David Schalko has succeeded with “I and the Others” perhaps the craziest series of all time.”
– Süddeutsche Zeitung
“German series haven’t been this much fun in a long time.
Instead of leaving it at social analysis, the Sky original does something that few German-language series have done in recent years: It flouts conventions and throws its protagonist from one absurd situation to the next
It’s hard to explain what exactly makes Ich und die Anderen by director David Schalko (Braunschlag, among others) so outrageously fantastic. Perhaps it’s the unusual concept, which feels incredibly refreshing and different compared to similarly introspective drama series. But it’s probably also because almost every single aspect of the series seems exciting and well executed.”
“The Süddeutsche Zeitung speaks of a “mad trip, somewhere between a journey to self-knowledge, a matrix simulation and a fairy tale transplanted into the present”, the Taz praises the “dialogue fireworks that are unparalleled within the German-language series landscape”, for the FAZ “the courageously monstrous series traces the desires of lone warriors in an affluent society”. The Tagesspiegel is delighted by “the playfulness of the all-star ensemble, which visibly enjoys giving the monkey sugar.”
– Moviepilot
“I and the Others” is perhaps the best Sky original to date, Yes, it’s generally once again a series that should definitely be seen. Schalko’s thought experiment is told and staged at an insane pace. Where in other series everything has already been said after one or two episodes, “I and the Others” draws all the benefits from its overall (relatively reduced) four-hour running time.”
– Digital TV
“What’s going on. David Schalko’s going on there. Because by his own book, the Austrian director has once again created a masterpiece that subjects our being to the lie detector test of consciousness. As in “Braunschlag” or “Altes Geld,” he immerses the majority society in the real-satirical steel bath of elite contempt, so that even the lower classes will be hurt by watching. And as in the remake of Fritz Lang’s film legend “M – Die Stadt sucht einen Mörder” (M – The City is Looking for a Murderer), he makes use of half of Vienna’s castle ensemble: the result: our egoism has rarely been translated more theatrically into television entertainment. But neither has it been more truthful. Especially thanks to Tom Schilling.”
“The latest stroke of genius by author and filmmaker David Schalko is a perfidious experimental set-up. Each episode plays out what the world would look like if one of Tristan’s wishes came true. Sometimes he wishes that everyone loved him, sometimes that there were no more secrets. But whatever he wishes for, the story always takes an absurd turn.”
– Stuttgarter Nachrichten
“This truly extraordinary six-parter by Austrian director and writer David Schalko is a surreal, wild trip through the mind of the main character, played by Tom Schilling, a man named Tristan.”
– Der Spiegel
“Disturbing and challenging, with “I and the Others” Austria’s master director David Schalko delivers a philosophically charged confusion game about identity and ego. Finally, another work off the beaten TV path.”
“Schalko distills the difference of appearance and reality so strongly that it has probably not been seen in this aesthetic finesse in a German-language television format since Fassbinder.”
– Neue Züricher Zeitung
“All in all, a linguistically demanding but fascinatingly original surreal trip with biting humor that in places feels as if Freud had smoked too much Kafka or at least watched some David Lynch films. As I said, freaky!”
– SWR2
“The experimental series “I and the Others” explores existentialist questions. The six episodes fire off a veritable firework of dialogue.”
“Held together by director and writer David Schalko (“Braunschlag”), the approximately 40-minute episodes are a veritable fireworks display of dialogue that is unparalleled within the German-language series landscape. In the lines laconically delivered by the consistently convincing cast, one polished aphorism (“Ich verwirkliche mich zu Tode”) follows the next.”
“Simulation of extremes: The courageously monstrous satire “Me and the Others” traces the desires of lone warriors in the affluent society. In this wonder-lamp simulation, desires are always born out of the excessive demands that previous desires have triggered. Thus “everyone should know everything about me” becomes “everyone should tell the truth”. Wishes are not predictable, even if they often seem logical as soon as they manifest themselves. That, too, is the great charm of this series, which, although exhausting and somewhat disturbing for tender minds because of all the genital frontal airs, castration and penetration fantasies, is unpredictable in a highly entertaining way. Added to this is the ensemble, which is steeped in theatrical experience. Necessary is this experience, because it needs capable speakers to intercept and fire back the force of the absurdity of the text (directed and scripted by David Schalko), which in places looks precisely at the mouth and turns the entire range of human meannesses, injuries and misunderstandings into deadly bullets.”
“David Schalko’s new serial prank, Me and the Others, is surreal and enjoyable like an early Woody Allen.”
“Austria’s avant-garde frontman puts the finishing touches on his previous series with a surreal variation on “Und täglich grüßt das
Groundhog” presents his serial masterpiece to date.”
This production was certified with the Austrian Ecolabel.