24.01.2018 | Screening of "Zauberer" at the Max Ophüls Price 2018
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…a boy disappears and reappears….
A psychiatrist and his blind girlfriend, connected by a dark secret. A school nurse who loses far more than her job when she quits. Her brother, who is willing to do anything for her. A desperate mother who lovingly cares for her son in a vegetative state. And who is willing to try outrageous things to get him back. A young man who sells himself because he has long since lost himself. A student whose supposedly harmless prank links all these destinies. And a boy who disappears.
The lives of these characters become irreversibly intertwined in this extraordinary story driven by innocence, desire, magical thinking, and manipulation.
Wizard is a thriller. Wizard is a fairy tale. A ravishingly beautiful voyeuristic journey through multi-layered emotional and psychological levels.
With Nicholas Ofczarek, Regina Fritsch, Florian Teichmeister, Lukas Watzl, Mona Petri, Roland Koch and many more.
Written by Clemens Setz, Sebastian Brauneis, Nicholas Ofczarek
Director: Sebastian Brauneis
Producers: John Lueftner, David Schalko
An Austrisn-Swiss co-production by Superfilm and A Film Company.